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Top 10 Best Tattoo Artists in India

by Moksha Tattoo Studio

Top 10 Best Tattoo Artists in India

The tattoo has become a normal thing than it was ever before. In India, it is no longer just the Om symbol done in some dicey shack. Today, tattooing has become a commercial profession and also the one that stands out to be an instrument to express your feelings. The tattoo parlors in India are equipped with international equipment and meet the standards as well, while the Indian tattoo artists are making a name for themselves globally. They have carved a niche in styles such as dot work, watercolor effect, and experimented with wooden needles. The Indian tattoos of the modern world are thus an amalgamation of what has been passed down to us and the western influence.

In the previous times, when the tattoo still had to gain its footing in India, people had to be certain of their designs, but now, one just needs a  great idea in their head and the tattoo artists would use his artistic acumen to create something new for you. The Indian tattoo industry has grown so much today that there are multiple artists who have not only come out to be best in India but internationally too. They have been credited with putting something new to the table. Take a look at the top 10 Tattoo Designs done by Mukesh Waghela Moksha Tattoo Studio Goa India.

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